Tuesday 18 June 2013

Pazha Pradhaman ( Banana Payasam)


Ripe Banana(Nendrappayam) cut into small pieces – 500 gm
Jaggery – 250 gm (as required)
Coconut – 1 full coconut
Cashewnuts for garnishing
Ghee – 3 tbsp


Heat ghee in a big pan; roast cashew nuts, almonds and a few pieces of coconut. Take it out when it turns golden and keep it aside. Into the ghee add jaggery pieces. Let the jaggery turn to sugary syrup. Grind the ripe banana pieces into a smooth paste. Put the banana paste into the jaggery syrup and keep mixing well. When the gravy thickens, add the thin coconut milk. Keep mixing. Let the gravy thicken. Again add the thick coconut milk. Mix and stir well and take it out of flame. Serve the payasam by garnishing with the nuts and small coconut pieces that was roasted earlier on top of the payasam.

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